Putting the World back in Warcraft: Intro

Before we get in to it
If you want to skip the intro and go straight the posts the links are right here:
This is my take on the current state of World of Warcraft and what classic has taught me about retail World of Warcraft and what I hope it has taught the developers at Blizzard.
When writing this I decided to make a conscious effort to not only point out what I dislike but also mention what I do like and make suggestions to perhaps improve what is currently there if I do dislike it.
I will also be comparing the current game “retail” to World of Warcraft: Classic “classic” a lot throughout this.
Because this is a game I truly love and because I genuinely want it to be better I will try and avoid simply complaining and try to offer solutions. This will also likely have to be many separate posts. I will add links to all of the posts below as I finish them.